Thursday, December 31, 2009

365 Here I Come

The heck with new years resolutions, no one ever keeps them..I say how about a 365 day photo project..What will I shoot everyday for a year, who knows. I have about 5 hours to decide; no pressure...Should I use a theme or a person, at this point I'm still not sure. Either way, I plan to throw caution and laziness to the wind and complete this damn project if it kills me...It may just kill me!!!
2. kids
3. color
6. textures
9.selfie( in the words of the kids, "hell to the NO with that idea"). ( i do LOVE food).
12. anything

Ok, so I may have to sleep on it, but I plan to pull this off. Yes, I may have to neglect my duties as a wife and mother, but this is for the good of humanity.This is a new reason to get up in the morning, my excuse to upload 365 pictures, a way to further my skills as a photographer wanna be. You know it, I will never be able to do this if I don't tell you( ok, I know that I am talking to myself).

Well, the children are fighting and screaming at each other and I don't want to miss a moment of it so I must go for now...I will see you tomorrow and I will start 2010 with a shot.

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About Me

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My name is Kris. I am a wife, a mom to six, a photographer, a reader, a Christian, a Diet Coke drinker, a closet ice cream eater, a walker and a memory keeper.. Thanks for coming by to say hi, I can't wait to get to know you :)
