Friday, February 5, 2010

Music Is The Wine That Fills The Cup Of Silence. 36/365

~Robert Fripp
There is something so beautiful about watching a person playing an instrument..I love the way the fingers and mind move to create beautiful sounds. It is the one thing I wish I could do, of which I have zero ability. I can't read music and I have no rythm for music, but I LOVE the sound of a guitar being played by someone with the gift.

I would be more than happy to sing you a song if you so desire..Everyone knows that's my real talent. I will say, I never understood why I was not chosen for choir with such a God given gift..Sure the music teacher asked me not to sign up again, but did he really have an ear for my singing, I think not. Oh well, I will just have to share my voice with my children as I sing them a lullaby..Now, they appreciate my voice..

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My name is Kris. I am a wife, a mom to six, a photographer, a reader, a Christian, a Diet Coke drinker, a closet ice cream eater, a walker and a memory keeper.. Thanks for coming by to say hi, I can't wait to get to know you :)


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