Thursday, March 18, 2010

Just Us 67/365

Just Us 67/365, originally uploaded by krispycrunch6.

Nothing much. Just a shot of us before we went in the house for the night. The warm weather makes for more outside time, which makes mommy very happy. I love to play with the kids in the yard and push them on the swing set.. They love to play up in the fort and eat dinner and snacks up there..I love Spring.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great shot, Kris! And what a great way to capture the good feelings of that day! xo


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My name is Kris. I am a wife, a mom to six, a photographer, a reader, a Christian, a Diet Coke drinker, a closet ice cream eater, a walker and a memory keeper.. Thanks for coming by to say hi, I can't wait to get to know you :)


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