Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We Must Cross The Bridge To Get Home 73/365

This is for the Blur Project, through Parallel Visions.. I cross the bridge every time I pick up the kids from school. Today was such a gorgeous day, I was able to walk Caroline home from school. I hope this is the beginning of our warm weather.

Tonight has been hectic with the kids. I have been trying for two hours to get kids to bed and still no one is settled down. I may actually lose my mind tonight. Needless to say, I need to go. My bath I have drawn will have to wait, bedtime for mommy will have to wait, putting the laundry up will have to wait, but by golly, the blog waits for no one.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great shot, I love it! I hope you got your bath...and still have your sanity! :)


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My name is Kris. I am a wife, a mom to six, a photographer, a reader, a Christian, a Diet Coke drinker, a closet ice cream eater, a walker and a memory keeper.. Thanks for coming by to say hi, I can't wait to get to know you :)


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