Saturday, January 9, 2010

Childhood Is A Short Season. ~Helen Hayes 9/365

I see this little hand and I remember the older kids little hands like it was yesterday.Time flies by so quickly, I waited and cherished each child as it arrived, but then I stood by helplessly as time passed without regard for my feelings. I love each and every stage in it's own way..I even have some ages I truly do not enjoy, but I treasure them just the same.
My goal this year is to spend as much time as possible with each of the children individually. I want them to each feel like they have all my attention during our times together.
Well, tonight I am too darn tired to carry on jabbering so I bid you good night...

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My name is Kris. I am a wife, a mom to six, a photographer, a reader, a Christian, a Diet Coke drinker, a closet ice cream eater, a walker and a memory keeper.. Thanks for coming by to say hi, I can't wait to get to know you :)


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